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Roger has volunteering in ReStore Ballymena for more than three years. Discover what motivated him to sign up, the skills and qualities he brings to the team, and the surprising joys and challenges he has encountered along the way. Read his story below.

Why did you sign up to volunteer in ReStore and how long have you been a volunteer?

I’ve been volunteering for over three years now. It all started one day while shopping for furniture at ReStore Ballymena. I realised that I could channel my time into something more meaningful than just tinkering with projects at home. After chatting with the store manager, who shared my enthusiasm, she booked me in for an induction the following week. I was deeply impressed by Habitat's work and the significant portion of ReStore earnings dedicated to helping others.

What motivates you to keep coming back?

The sense of purpose and fulfillment I gain from volunteering keeps me coming back each week. Engaging with customers and staff, sharing laughter, adds to the joy of my commitment.

What skills, qualities, or experience do you bring to ReStore?

With a background as an apprentice spark and extensive experience in vehicle maintenance, I bring practical skills to ReStore. Adaptability and creative problem-solving are also qualities I've developed over time. Engaging with customers and brightening their day through interactions is something I genuinely enjoy.

What has surprised you about working in ReStore?

The unexpected joy and fulfilment I've experienced have been surprising. Feeling like an integral part of the ReStore family every Thursday morning has been particularly rewarding.

What’s been your highlight so far?

Building a sense of family within ReStore Ballymena has been a highlight. Additionally, being able to involve a friend who has faced challenges has been incredibly rewarding.

What has challenged you in ReStore?

Dealing with occasional back pain presents a challenge, but the supportive team environment at ReStore helps me overcome it. Regardless of my physical state, I can always contribute to customer service and assist patrons.

Who’s the most interesting person you’ve met in ReStore and why?

I’ve cherished getting to know the other regular Thursday volunteers; we truly feel like a close-knit family, despite our diverse backgrounds.

What’s the thing that inspires you most about Habitat’s work?

Habitat's global mission of providing hope and homes to those in need inspires me deeply. While I may not identify as a devout Christian or a conventional "do-gooder," the opportunity to play a small role in this noble endeavour is an honour I value deeply.

To learn more about the volunteering opportunities available in ReStore click here, or you can read more volunteer stories here.

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