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Big Build 2019 is underway. In 1 week, the team will build 10 homes beside local families, supporting Orphaned and Vulnerable children in the community. This is Cecelia, one of the beneficiaries, read her story below.

Cecelia, who lives in Maambo village, takes care of 4 children. She has health problems, but still manages to take care of her children.

On regular basis, the family suffers from sickness, such as diarrhea and malaria. They do not own their own toilet facility therefore they use a communal pit latrine. They also get their drinking water from a well in the community where the water is unsafe to drink from.

The house they live in has a grass thatched roof which leaks heavily during the rainy season. It only has one window and it has cracks in its walls.

As part of Big Build 2019, Cecelia will work alongside volunteers from across Ireland to build a safe & secure place, that she can call home.

This World Habitat Day, raise your voice for families like Cecelia's, who are still fighting for their right to safe shelter.

Sign our Build Solid Ground petition here and be a part of this life-changing work next year, by signing up for Big Build 2020 now.

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