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Give thanks for committed volunteers who are the hands and heart and voices for our work.

Give thanks for committed volunteers who are the hands and heart and voices for our work. Pray for safety and support for the team of female volunteers from across NI who are working alongside women in Savda Ghevra Slum, Delhi this week as part of Habitat’s Women Build Movement and International Women’s Day.  Pray for all that they will build together, new homes, new relationships and new hope for the future. 

Gracious God, 

 We thank You for the unique, wonderful opportunities You give us toward enabling so many persons to experience Your blessings; and thereby You allow us to experience Your blessings. We thank You for positioning us in contact with persons in need of receiving resources for homes and in contact with those in need to learn better how to give resources for homes. And, in the process, in so many ways, the givers receive more than they give; and the receivers give more than they receive. But most of all, those at both ends—givers and receivers—and we connectors in the middle—receive Your blessing and have the ever-deepening experience of Your love; Your acceptance of us all.


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